Donate, please

AADO’s work is not funded by DFAT’s Overseas Aid Program because no mechanism is in place for diaspora-led NGO’s like AADO. We are working hard to change this because successive Governments have committed to more fully recognise the place of diaspora-led NGO’s delivering Australian Aid.

This war-torn country is not an easy place in which to work but we say its 34 million people are resilient and deserve our support. The answer to many of Afghanistan’s problems is education. Progress has been good in rebuilding the education system post the Taliban decade in which girls were prohibited from attending and many teachers fled the country.

However our work is with those who missed out on education – girls in remote villages married at a young age, young men in Kabul with few skills and little prospect of work and teachers who needed post-secondary qualifications in science.  We hope you can assist by donating to one or more of our programs.

Jackie Fristacky AM

President, Afghan Australian Development Organisation

If you choose to donate via PayPal, AADO’s Committee of Management will use your donation to support AADO’s responses to current identified needs in Afghanistan, including support of education for girls and/or any targeted humanitarian aid.

If you prefer to donate by a bank transfer to AADO’s bank account, please email, including your name and email address. We will supply you with our bank account details and we can then issue your tax-deductible receipt.

All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support!

The Afghan Australian Development Organisation Inc. (ABN: 25 274 698 213) is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more to AADO are tax- deductible in Australia. A receipt will be sent to you after your payment is made.

AADO acknowledges the generosity of these donors in 2021 – 2022:
D&K Foundation
Barbara Van Ernst
Jackie Fristacky
Robbie Sinclaire
The Jack and Hedy Brent Foundation
AADO acknowledges the generosity of its past long-term supporters:
Planet Wheeler Foundation
Cabrini Mission.

Help us to work with more Afghan women so they have basic literacy, can grow their own crops, sew clothes, run their own business to become self-sufficient and confident in their communities.

Offer training and a masters qualification in science teacher so students are more able to enter university.


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